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Health@Google Series: Reset Yourself, Starting with Food April 25, 2011

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Health@Google Series
March 24, 2010

Presented by Dr. Mark Adams


You've probably noticed; there's no shortage of information or conflicting ideas about health. And there always seems to be the next big thing. That is, until the next big thing comes along. How do you know what's best for you? Our suggestion? Reset yourself. Start with food. Harvard graduate and Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Mark Adams from onvo will explore the role food plays in achieving strong health. The human body does not have the capacity to create energy. Instead, it has the ability to receive, transform and redirect energy. Thus, without nourishment we have no life. That makes our sources of nourishment the fundamental starting point and the essential variable that dictates our quality of health far more than exercise, medicine and most anything else.

Dr. Mark has spent his life exploring and living his passion — health, wellness and performance. As the youngest child of five growing up in small town in Indiana, his Midwestern roots stay with him to this day. His parents provided a strong example of the importance of faith, family, hard work and community leadership.

A 3-sport scholar-athlete in high school, Mark attended Harvard University where he continued his pursuit of academics and athletics. During his time in Cambridge, Mark was awarded the Harvard Football team's annual Henry Lamar award, which recognizes dedication to the program, concern for his fellow man and contributions to Harvard football. He also completed the Boston Marathon twice with a college buddy and fellow Hoosier. Mark's interest in health was intensified during college after his father suffered a near-fatal heart attack at age 57, after no apparent medical concerns.

After receiving his undergraduate degree in psychology, Mark went on to study at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, where he focused on peak performance and graduated with a Master's of Science degree in Exercise and Sport Science. While in graduate school, Mark also worked as an Athletic Conditioning Coach and Personal Trainer before moving to Washington in 1998 to attend naturopathic medical school at Bastyr University. Along with his clinical training at Bastyr in disease diagnosis and treatment, Mark continued his study in the health and fitness field and worked locally at the Bellevue Club.

These experiences sharpened his insights into health and wellness, both in theory and practice. From a fascination with athletic performance grew a passion for life performance. He began to believe that within every human being lies an athlete—and that no matter who we are and what we do—each day is about performance. Dr. Mark began to question the factors that most influence how people live and the often-misguided manner in which people try to improve health. He came to two significant conclusions: too much of what we are told changes too often and our scope of health must be magnified. Through his research and practical experience, he concluded that the only way to experience better health is to focus first on the grander picture and the influences that do not change; hence the future premise of onvo.

In 2004 Dr. Mark founded onvo, a health and wellness company offering program solutions, personalized coaching and consulting services. With over 4,000 graduates from his signature, 28-day Program, the onvo curriculum is a proven catalyst for positive behavioral change. Dr. Mark has been invited to lecture at the corporate level and his writing has included the creation and implementation of effective strategies to address key issues related to fitness, performance, nutrition and optimal health. Dr. Mark resides in Bellevue, WA with his wife Nicole and twin boys, Hersch & Jake.


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