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Obama Trading in Contradictions June 20, 2008

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BARACK OBAMA: I believe in free trade, and as somebody who lived overseas, who has family overseas, I've seen what's happened in terms of rising living standards around the globe, and that's a good thing for America, it's good for our national security.

I don't think NAFTA has been good for America, and I never have.

I believe in Free Trade.

...that's a good thing for America, it's good for our national security.

I think we should use the hammer of a potential opt-out as leverage, to ensure that we actually get labor and environmental standards that are enforced.

I believe in Free Trade.

.....But what I refuse to accept is that we have to sign trade deals like the South Korean agreement.

That's why I opposed NAFTA, that's why I voted against CAFTA, that's why it didn't make sense to normalize trade relations with China without asking more from China. I will oppose the Columbia Free Trade Agreement.

SCREEN: "[Obama] said the United State [sic] should work with the World Trade Organization and pursue deals such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, but the country must be more aggressive about protecting American interests." (Christopher Wills, "Senate Candidates Speak on Farm, Trade Issues," The Associated Press -- 9/9/04)

BARACK OBAMA: That's a good thing for America, It's good for our national security.

I want to be very clear, I don't think NAFTA has been good for America, and I never have.

SCREEN: What does he really believe? Barack Obama Not Ready To Lead


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