First Inaugural Address
Martin Van Buren

In his inaugural address, President Martin Van Buren celebrates the success of the country's first half-century. Van Buren also squarely states his stance - upon which he campaigned - to defend slavery in the face of increased agitations by abolitionists.

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Martin Van Buren: First Inaugural Address

March 4, 1837 (about 187 years ago)

In his inaugural address, President Martin Van Buren celebrates the success of the country's first half-century. Van Buren also squarely states his stance - upon which he campaigned - to defend slavery in the face of increased agitations by abolitionists.

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Martin Van Buren: Proclamation

January 5, 1838 (over 186 years ago)

President Martin Van Buren - in the face of an eruption of war in the British Territories of Canada - reminds citizens of the United States stance of neutrality, and warns of punishment for any individuals whose actions could be perceived to compromise that neutrality.

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Martin Van Buren: Special Message to Congress

January 2, 1841 (over 183 years ago)

President Van Buren reads outloud correspondence between John Forsyth, Secretary of State, and the British Minister, H.S. Fox regarding the sinking of the Steamboat Caroline.

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Martin Van Buren: Special Session Message to Congress

September 4, 1837 (over 186 years ago)

President Martin Van Buren in a special message to Congress addresses the explosion of credit across the United States and the consequences and dangers that it has wrought on the country's economic stability. Van Buren continues the deliberations of his predecessor, Andrew Jackson, regarding the...

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James Buchanan: Inaugural Address

March 4, 1857 (about 167 years ago)

In his inaugural address, President James Buchanan stresses the incalculable damage that would come from the union breaking apart over the question of slavery, emphasizing how a free trade between north, south, east and west has allowed the US to prosper. He gives thanks and shows support for im...

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Thomas Jefferson: Second Inaugural Address

March 4, 1805 (about 219 years ago)

In his second inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson defends the value of the Louisiana Purchase, argues against those who think the Native Americans are better off maintaining their traditional ways, and takes comfort in the general public's ability to see through and counter the defamati...

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Thomas Jefferson: Fourth Annual Message

November 8, 1804 (over 219 years ago)

President Thomas Jefferson speaks of the Louisiana Purchase, becoming indispensable to Indian nations comfort so as to maintain peace, foreign relations with Tripoli and the nation's finances.

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Thomas Jefferson: Seventh Annual Message

October 27, 1807 (over 216 years ago)

In a speech referencing many historical events, President Thomas Jefferson speaks to Congress of the British's attack on the frigate Chesapeake, and the accompanying need to reinforce the nations militia and navy. He also speaks on Indian affairs and the thwarted treasonous acts of Aaron Burr.

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Thomas Jefferson: Instructions to Captain Lewis

June 20, 1803 (almost 221 years ago)

President Thomas Jefferson outlines the objectives for the Lewis and Clark expedition, in particular to explore the waterways that would allow for commerce to reach the Pacific Ocean. In intricate detail, Jefferson outlines how Lewis and Clark should take notes and guard them from destruction, e...

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Thomas Jefferson: Proclamation on Spanish Territory

November 27, 1806 (over 217 years ago)

Upon receiving word of the machinations of Aaron Burr in the southern reaches of the Union, President Thomas Jefferson issues a proclamation to thwart his plans.

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