Swimming the North Pole
Lewis Pugh

In this exhilirating talk, coldwater swimmer Lewis Pugh tells us about Swimming in the North Pole. He risked his life and made a historic and symbolic swim. He did this to send a message and to make a stand on the issue of Climate change.

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Lewis Pugh: Swimming the North Pole

September 1, 2009 (over 14 years ago)

In this exhilirating talk, coldwater swimmer Lewis Pugh tells us about Swimming in the North Pole. He risked his life and made a historic and symbolic swim. He did this to send a message and to make a stand on the issue of Climate change.

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Source: TED

Lewis Pugh: Mind-Shifting Everest Swim

July 1, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

In this motivating talk, coldwater swimmer Lewis Pugh tells us about his Mind-shifting Everest swim. He talks about climate change and doing a symbolic swim in the Himalayas despite a vow not to do another coldwater swim. In his Mt. Everest attempt, he had to change his style and his way of think...

1 people like this
Source: TED

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