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Opening remarks by Mr Mandela at the 4th annual Nelson Mandela Lecture held at Wits Great Hall given by President Thabo Mbeki
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela introduces President Thabo Mbeki at the 4th Annual Nelson Mandela Lecture. He gives generous praise for the president in leading South Africa to success.

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Nelson Mandela: Opening remarks by Mr Mandela at the 4th annual Nelson Mandela Lecture held at Wits Great Hall given by President Thabo Mbeki

July 29, 2006 (almost 18 years ago)

Nelson Mandela introduces President Thabo Mbeki at the 4th Annual Nelson Mandela Lecture. He gives generous praise for the president in leading South Africa to success.

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Nelson Mandela: Speech by Nelson Mandela at a farewell banquet in his honour hosted by President Thabo Mbeki

June 16, 1999 (almost 25 years ago)

In this speech, Nelson Mandela welcomes the new South African president, Thabo Mbeki. He also talks about the democratic elections and how the people of South Africa have demonstrated their continued determination to govern themselves. He ends by saying that though he will not be as visible as he...

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Nelson Mandela: Address During a Joint Sitting of Parliament to mark 10 years of democracy in South Africa

May 10, 2004 (almost 20 years ago)

In this address, Nelson Mandela speaks in front of the two houses of Parliament. He talks about the first decade of democracy in South Africa and what he hopes for in the next one. As a people, there is a pride in achieving unity in spite of centuries of apartheid and colonial rule.

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