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Stephen Coleman: The moral dangers of non-lethal weapons
- - Pepper spray and tasers are in increasing use by both police and military, and more exotic non-lethal weapons such as heat rays are in the works. At TEDxCanberra, ethicist Stephen Coleman explores the unexpected consequences of their introduction and asks some challenging questions. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the be... Read more

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- -: Stephen Coleman: The moral dangers of non-lethal weapons

February 7, 2012 (about 12 years ago) Pepper spray and tasers are in increasing use by both police and military, and more exotic non-lethal weapons such as heat rays are in the works. At TEDxCanberra, ethicist Stephen Coleman explores the unexpected consequences of their introduction and asks some challenging quest...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Mary-Anne Waldren - Superheroes and self-belief

October 22, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Mary-Anne Wal­dren is known in some cir­cles as "Canberra's Chief Con­nec­tion Offi­cer", in oth­ers as "the fast and the furi­ous Mary-Anne". Busi­ness is in her blood and her pas­sion is in mak­ing connections. In this talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, Mary-Anne talks about her heroes, about not lett...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Pierre Johannessen - International development, basketball and valuing youth

October 23, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Pierre Johan­nessen is show­ing young peo­ple from the slums of Bangladesh to the peaks of Nepal how incred­i­bly able they are as indi­vid­u­als, and how immensely pow­er­ful they are together. In this talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, Pierre reflects on his privileged upbringing as the son of a UN di...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Emma Davidson - Learning to listen

October 23, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Emma David­son works with women in refugee and indige­nous com­mu­ni­ties on under­stand­ing their per­cep­tions of need and the lan­guage they use to describe them. In this short talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, Emma discusses the need to listen to the women she works with and to understand their iss...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Annette Zou and Richard Dear - Curiosity

October 23, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Curios­ity requires breadth as well as depth. As under­grad­u­ates in a world of career-driven spe­cial­i­sa­tion, Annette and Richard are try­ing to catal­yse curios­ity from the inside. In this talk from TEDxCanberra 2011, Annette and Richard describe a program they have developed and launched...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Emma Magenta - Understanding your heart

October 24, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Author and artist, Emma Magenta uses her alter-ego Phillipa Finch to touch on the core of human­ity and blend emo­tion with tech­nol­ogy to help us deal with big questions. In this talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, Emma describes her work and how she uses her alter-egos to explore and understand emotio...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Stephen Coleman - The ethics of non-lethal weapons

October 24, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

In exam­in­ing the ethics of force mul­ti­plier tech­nol­ogy, Stephen Cole­man is bet­ter­ing our under­stand­ing of the con­duct of con­flict and what non-lethal weaponry can mean. In this talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, Stephen Coleman discusses his work as an ethicist with military and police forc...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Michael Engemann and Damien Tonkin - Building a rescue UAV

October 24, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Damien and Michael are year 12 stu­dents from Dick­son Col­lege in Can­berra. They are design­ing, build­ing and fly­ing UAVs to deliver life-saving res­cue sup­plies to lost tourists stranded in the outback. In this short talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, they use humour and bravado to discuss how bei...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Rebecca Scott - Sustainable coffee, sustainable dollars, sustainable lives

October 25, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Rebecca Scott believes that most intractable social prob­lems aren't actu­ally intractable — we just need to be far more cre­ative with our solutions. In this talk at TEDxCanberra, Rebecca Scott talks about where the dollars go when we buy our daily cup of coffee, and how thinking and acting in ...

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- -: TEDxCanberra - Nick Ritar - A challenge to live sustainably

October 26, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

You can live a life in bal­ance with Nature. Nick Ritar, per­ma­cul­ture farmer and edu­ca­tor can teach us how. In this talk at TEDxCanberra 2011, Nick Ritar challenges us to overcome the fears we have built up as a society and to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle; one embodied by permacultu...

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