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TEDxPioneerValley - Ginetta Candelario - Teaching and Learning (In)Justice
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Ginetta Candelario, Associate Professor of Sociology and Latin American & Latina/o at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, describes her talk this way: "Over half a century ago, U.S. Sociologist C. Wright Mills coined the term "sociological imagination" to capture a core precept of Sociology: that the life of an individual is both the prod... Read more

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- -: TEDxPioneerValley - Ginetta Candelario - Teaching and Learning (In)Justice

February 24, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Ginetta Candelario, Associate Professor of Sociology and Latin American & Latina/o at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, describes her talk this way: "Over half a century ago, U.S. Sociologist C. Wright Mills coined the term "sociological imagination" to capture a core precept of Sociolog...

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- -: TEDxUHowest - Geert Hofman - The future of emergent collectives: from ideas to projects.

February 20, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Geert Hofman is a lecturer at Howest, University College of West-Flanders, the host of this TEDx. He is a philosopher by education, a computer scientist by profession. He was the project lead of an exploratory research project into the different aspects and possibilities of emergent collectives. ...

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- -: TEDxUHowest - Jo Caudron - Openness and security on the internet.

February 19, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Jo Caudron is a media thinker, innovator & strategist. He is a long time Internet entrepreneur and is interested in all things digital, social & mobile, new & connected. He is a consultant and often asked speaker. He has written several books on the topics of the rising digital age. In this talk ...

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- -: TEDxUHowest - Jan Devos - What are emergent collectives and why are they important now?

February 19, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Dr. Jan Devos is a practitioner and researcher at Howest, University College of West-Flanders. He has a broad experience in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and related services (advisory, auditing and management). In this talk he tries to explain what emergent collectives are and ...

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- -: TEDxUHowest - Charles Petrie - The technology of emergent collectives for disaster relief.

February 19, 2012 (about 12 years ago)

Charles Petrie is a retired researcher of Stanford University, specializing in semantic networks and logic. He is currently guest professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and at the Karlsruhe University. He is also former editor-in-chief, retired now and currently editor of the "Peering...

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- -: TEDxPhilly - Amy Hillier - Mapping experiences and access to opportunity in cities

January 19, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

A pressing issue for Amy Hillier: Why does the place of our birth and child rearing influence the amount of opportunities available to us as adults? Is there something we can do about this? If we could trace our experiences using modern mapping technologies - like GIS, GPS, LiDAR and others - to ...

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- -: TEDxRainier - David Horsey - Drawing from Misperceptions

December 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist David Horsey discusses how perception leads and misleads ordinary and elected people alike, and sheds light on ways to strive beyond or failing fables. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Csányi Vilmos - A hiedelmek természete

April 23, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Csányi Vilmos etológus negyvenegy könyvet írt, közöttük az etológia egyetemi tankönyvét, tudományos publikációinak száma 200 körül van. Munkája nyomán alakult ki és fejlődött az Etológiai Tanszék. 2005-ben befejezett tudományos munkájának utolsó szakaszában humánetológiai problémákkal foglalkozot...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Szvetelszky Zsuzsa - A pletyka tudománya és művészete

April 30, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Szvetelszky Zsuzsanna pletykakutató, szociálpszichológus. Szervezetek és települések informális networkjeinek kutatásával, a hálózatban transzformálódva terjedő információk, hiedelmek és történetek dinamikájával és elemzésével foglalkozik. Tudományos és alkalmazott kutatásainak célja egyaránt a r...

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- -: TEDxConejo - Erin Gruwell - The Freedom Writers

May 16, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Erin Gruwell is an educator and president of The Freedom Writers Foundation. When Erin landed her first job at Wilson High School in Long Beach, Ca, she discovered many of her students had been written off by the education system and deemed "unteachable." As teenagers living in a racially divide...

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