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Weekly Address: Ensuring a Fair Shot for the Middle Class
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President Obama calls on Congress to do what's right for the American people by extending the payroll tax cut and confirming Richard Cordray to lead a new consumer-watchdog agency that will protect families from dishonest business practices.

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- -: Weekly Address: Ensuring a Fair Shot for the Middle Class

December 10, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

President Obama calls on Congress to do what's right for the American people by extending the payroll tax cut and confirming Richard Cordray to lead a new consumer-watchdog agency that will protect families from dishonest business practices.

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- -: Jimmy Fallon at the White House

July 8, 2009 (almost 15 years ago)

Jimmy Fallon can't believe he's at the White House on the Fourth of July. Watch part of his stand-up performance from that evening. (public domain)

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- -: President Obama and Vice President Biden Visit Troops at Fort Campbell

May 7, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

The President and Vice President travel to Fort Campbell, KY to pay tribute to troops returning from Afghanistan and the military and intelligence personnel whose efforts led to the death of Osama bin Laden and helped secure America's safety. May 6, 2011.

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