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Ronald Reagan: Address from the Brandenburg Gate (Berlin Wall)

June 12, 1987 (almost 37 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Address from the Brandenburg Gate (Berlin Wall), he talks about democracy, freedom, and unity. He starts off by saying that there is only one Berlin and strongly asks Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall separating East from West. He tells us about the Marshall Plan, that...

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Ronald Reagan: State of the Union Address 1987

January 27, 1987 (over 37 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's 1987 State of the Union Address, he looks forward to a rising American future. He starts by congratulating the 100th congress and giving out great news about the economy. He still asks for Congress' support in addressing National security and Defense concerns citing Soviet acti...

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Ronald Reagan: Address to the Bundestag in West Germany

June 9, 1982 (almost 42 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Address to the Bundestag in West Germany, he highlights the power of deterrence in keeping the world at peace. He opens with honoring the German settlement in America and the current free German society. In this speech, he gives utmost importance for the pursuit of peace. He di...

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Ronald Reagan: Address on Tax and Budget Legislation

August 16, 1982 (over 41 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Address on Tax and Budget Legislation, he talks about the new tax bill. He denies that this new tax system is the single largest tax increase in history. He further explains by giving details on the intricacies of this tax reform. He mentions that though this has been a comprom...

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Ronald Reagan: Speech on the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks

November 18, 1981 (over 42 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Speech on the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, he gives a positive image of a world at peace. He begins with excerpts from his letter to Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev. He then introduces America's program for peace which involves arms control, the Atlantic Aliance, military s...

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Ronald Reagan: Address to the Nation on Christmas and the Situation in Poland

December 23, 1981 (over 42 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Address to the Nation on Christmas and the Situation in Poland, he talks about the start of the American economic recovery and foreign affairs with Poland. He begins with what Chistmas means to us in all our diversity. He also proclaims good news about the U.S. economy. He then...

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Ronald Reagan: Address on Federal Tax Reduction Legislation

July 27, 1981 (almost 43 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Address on Federal Tax Reduction Legislation, he motivates the people to control their economic future. He talks about tax cuts and the reduction of government spending as integral parts of the economic recovery program. He lauds the American people for playing a major role in ...

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Ronald Reagan: Speech on the Geneva Summit

November 21, 1985 (over 38 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Speech on the Geneva Summit, he reiterates that America wants real peace. He begins by thanking everyone for their support for the Geneva summit. He talks about his one on one meetings with Mr. Gorbachev in a very positive light, that they understand each other and the conversa...

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Ronald Reagan: Remarks on U.S. Casualties in Lebanon and Grenada

November 4, 1983 (over 40 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Remarks on U.S. Casualties in Lebanon and Grenada, he pays homage to those American heroes who have fallen. He gives his sympathy to those families who have lost their loved ones and also gives an account of the situation in both Lebanon and Gredana. He then calls for the Ameri...

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Ronald Reagan: Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp

May 5, 1985 (about 39 years ago)

In this speech, Ronald Reagan commemorates the victims of the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp. He starts with a painful reliving of what it must have been like during those dark times. He tells us that there are lessons to be learned from such an evil tragic place and that death cannot rule fore...

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