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Shh! Sound Health in 8 Steps
Julian Treasure

In this ear-pleasing talk, Sound Consultant Julian Treasure tells us about Sound health in 8 steps. He talks about sound, hearing, listening, and noise. He explains each and informs us how sound affects our health. He then gives us pointers on how to protect ourselves from unhealthy noise and how to heal ourselves with stochastic sounds.

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Julian Treasure: Shh! Sound Health in 8 Steps

July 1, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

In this ear-pleasing talk, Sound Consultant Julian Treasure tells us about Sound health in 8 steps. He talks about sound, hearing, listening, and noise. He explains each and informs us how sound affects our health. He then gives us pointers on how to protect ourselves from unhealthy noise and how...

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Source: TED

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