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Diving the Reef's Twilight Zone
Richard Pyle

In this engrossing talk, Fish nerd Richard Pyle tells us about Diving in the Reef's Twilight Zone. He talks about how he got started and about the science of diving. He then plunges us into a journey to find new species in a region of the Reef that we know almost nothing about.

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Richard Pyle: Diving the Reef's Twilight Zone

February 1, 2004 (about 20 years ago)

In this engrossing talk, Fish nerd Richard Pyle tells us about Diving in the Reef's Twilight Zone. He talks about how he got started and about the science of diving. He then plunges us into a journey to find new species in a region of the Reef that we know almost nothing about.

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Source: TED

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