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First Obama 2012 Ads  - Building an Organization, call (888) 705-0046
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Let President Obama know you're in for 2012: First Obama Ads: "I need you to do me a favor—it'll only take a minute. The 2012 campaign is underway, and the outcome will depend not on what I do but on what you do—starting right now. Call (888) 705-0046 or visit and help build ou... Read more

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- -: First Obama 2012 Ads  - Building an Organization, call (888) 705-0046

November 29, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Let President Obama know you're in for 2012: First Obama Ads: "I need you to do me a favor—it'll only take a minute. The 2012 campaign is underway, and the outcome will depend not on what I do but on what you do—starting right now. Call (888) 705-0046 o...

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- -: Bjorn Lomborg: Our priorities for saving the world

January 12, 2007 (over 17 years ago) Given $50 billion to spend, which would you solve first, AIDS or global warming? Danish political scientist Bjorn Lomborg comes up with surprising answers.

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- -: Sean Gourley on the mathematics of war

May 4, 2009 (about 15 years ago) By pulling raw data from the news and plotting it onto a graph, Sean Gourley and his team have come up with a stunning conclusion about the nature of modern war -- and perhaps a model for resolving conflicts. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances...

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- -: Chris Anderson: How YouTube is driving innovation

November 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago) TED's Chris Anderson says the rise of web video is driving a worldwide phenomenon he calls Crowd Accelerated Innovation -- a self-fueling cycle of learning that could be as significant as the invention of print. But to tap into its power, organizations will need to embrace radi...

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- -: TEDxHampshireCollege - Jay Vogt - The Art of Facilitation: Changing the Way the World Meets

November 15, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Hampshire College alum Jay W. Vogt founded Peoplesworth, a private practice in organizational development, in 1982 and he has facilitated thousands of meetings and retreats since. Jay is the author of Recharge Your Team: The Grounded Visioning Approach and Board Roles to Board Goals: Creating an ...

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- -: TEDxLondon - Adam Roberts

November 18, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Adam Roberts is an experienced young campaigner, including in the UK Youth Parliament and as a representative to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. He is a trustee and director of the Children's Rights Alliance for England, has written for a textbook on human rights in the UK, and has s...

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- -: TEDxLondon - Carmel McConnell

November 18, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Carmel's background is a mixture of social activism and senior corporate roles. As a community campaigner she worked in the US and India before starting her own company to help large firms differentiate through values. While researching her first book, Change Activist, she became aware of the pr...

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- -: TEDxLondon - Dan Roberts

November 18, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Dan Roberts has been teaching Science among other things for the last 9 years. He has held various positions of responsibility within secondary schools such as Head of Science in a Specialist Science school; Head of Sixth form and is currently Deputy Headteacher at Community School in...

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- -: TEDxLondon - Dougald Hine

November 18, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Dougald is a writer, speaker and creator of organisations, projects and events. His work is driven by a desire to understand how we change things, and how things change, with or without us. This has taken him cross country through a range of fields, from social theory to the tech industry, litera...

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