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Richard Dawkins on Canning Bill O'Reilly
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If we want to enhance our public debates and earnestly confront the looming issues of our day, the famed biologist believes that the first step is getting rid of unqualified TV hosts like Bill O'Reilly. Check out the rest of Richard Dawkins' interview at

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- -: Richard Dawkins on Canning Bill O'Reilly

June 2, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

If we want to enhance our public debates and earnestly confront the looming issues of our day, the famed biologist believes that the first step is getting rid of unqualified TV hosts like Bill O'Reilly. Check out the rest of Richard Dawkins' interview at

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- -: Web 2.0 Panel Discussion - What is Web 2.0?

August 8, 2007 (over 16 years ago)

Complete video at: Technology blogger Mary Hodder and internet cultural critic Andrew Keen define what is meant by the phrase "Web 2.0," and give examples of its influence on internet popular culture. ----- "The Cult of the Amateur" with speakers Andre...

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- -: Why Richard Dawkins Doesn't Debate Creationists

October 28, 2009 (over 14 years ago)

Complete video at: Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins explains that he no longer debates creationists because his presence only validates their status. He compares the situation to a reproductive scientist agreeing to debat...

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