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TEDxBoston - Dr Jay Bradner - Opensource Drug Discovery
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"ClC1=CC=C(C2=N[C@@H](CC(OC(C)(C)C)=O)C3=NN=C(C)N3C4=C2C(C)=C(C)S4)C=C1" Dr. Jay Bradner Research Scientist and Instructor in Medicine at Harvard and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, shares his breakthrough approach for subverting the aggressive behavior of cancer by reprogramming a cell's fundamental identity . . . and he's giving the secrets awa... Read more

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- -: TEDxBoston - Dr Jay Bradner - Opensource Drug Discovery

July 14, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

"ClC1=CC=C(C2=N[C@@H](CC(OC(C)(C)C)=O)C3=NN=C(C)N3C4=C2C(C)=C(C)S4)C=C1" Dr. Jay Bradner Research Scientist and Instructor in Medicine at Harvard and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, shares his breakthrough approach for subverting the aggressive behavior of cancer by reprogramming a cell's fundamen...

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- -: Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

November 18, 2009 (over 14 years ago) At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop." In an onstage Q&A, Mistry says he'll open-source the software behind SixthS...

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- -: Jay Bradner: Open-source cancer research

October 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago) How does cancer know it's cancer? At Jay Bradner's lab, they found a molecule that might hold the answer, JQ1 -- and instead of patenting JQ1, they published their findings and mailed samples to 40 other labs to work on. An inspiring look at the open-source future of medical r...

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Marcin Jakubowski: Open-Sourced Blueprints for Civilization

March 1, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Marcin Jakubowski makes his own machines for farming. He developed low-cost ways on how to assemble a tracktor from scratch and help those farmers and other buisness starters with minimum budget.

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Source: TED

Yochai Benkler: The New Open-Source Economics

July 1, 2005 (almost 19 years ago)

Yochai Benkler shares the benefits of having open-source systems as a means for lower costs and more efficient outcomes.

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Source: TED

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