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Opening address by President Nelson Mandela in the special debate on the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Nelson Mandela

In this speech, Nelson Mandela gives an opening address for the debate on the report of the TRC. He talks about understanding our history and reconciliation as a collective effort of the nation. He also talks about the evils of aparthied and the sets of recommendations that the TRC has given.

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Nelson Mandela: Opening address by President Nelson Mandela in the special debate on the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

February 25, 1999 (about 25 years ago)

In this speech, Nelson Mandela gives an opening address for the debate on the report of the TRC. He talks about understanding our history and reconciliation as a collective effort of the nation. He also talks about the evils of aparthied and the sets of recommendations that the TRC has given.

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