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Speech by President Nelson Mandela at a luncheon in honour of Muamar Qaddafi, Leader of the revolution of the Libyan Jamahariya
Nelson Mandela

In this speech, Nelson Mandela raises a toast to one of the revolutionary icons of our time, Muamar Qaddafi. He talks about the relationship between himself and Qaddafi, and also about the relationship between South Africa and Libya.

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Nelson Mandela: Speech by President Nelson Mandela at a luncheon in honour of Muamar Qaddafi, Leader of the revolution of the Libyan Jamahariya

June 13, 1999 (almost 25 years ago)

In this speech, Nelson Mandela raises a toast to one of the revolutionary icons of our time, Muamar Qaddafi. He talks about the relationship between himself and Qaddafi, and also about the relationship between South Africa and Libya.

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