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Steve Carell's Bittersweet Farewell
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After seven years, Steve Carell said goodbye to "The Office." Today he told Ellen about the final moments, and how he's adjusted to his new schedule in the last few weeks.

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- -: Steve Carell's Bittersweet Farewell

May 2, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

After seven years, Steve Carell said goodbye to "The Office." Today he told Ellen about the final moments, and how he's adjusted to his new schedule in the last few weeks.

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Shimon Steinberg: Natural Pest Control: Using Bugs!

April 1, 2010 (about 14 years ago)

Shimon Steinberg shows how insects, spiders and mites can be natural pest control for crops and garden plants.

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Source: TED

Janine Benyus: Nature's Designs

February 1, 2005 (over 19 years ago)

Janine Benyus shares nature's ideas on how to solve our industrial problems today, through millions of years of design from evolution.

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Source: TED

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