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Jennifer 8. Lee: Who was General Tso? and other mysteries of
- - Reporter Jennifer 8. Lee talks about her hunt for the origins of familiar Chinese-American dishes -- exploring the hidden spots where these two cultures have (so tastily) combined to form a new cuisine. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading think... Read more

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- -: Jennifer 8. Lee: Who was General Tso? and other mysteries of

December 24, 2008 (over 15 years ago) Reporter Jennifer 8. Lee talks about her hunt for the origins of familiar Chinese-American dishes -- exploring the hidden spots where these two cultures have (so tastily) combined to form a new cuisine. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from t...

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Jennifer 8. Lee: Jennifer 8. Lee Hunts for General Tso

July 1, 2008 (almost 16 years ago)

Jennifer 8. Lee recounts the common misconceptions about Chineses food in the American culture.

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Source: TED

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