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- -: Mikko Hypponen: Three types of online attack

January 18, 2012 (over 12 years ago) Cybercrime expert Mikko Hypponen talks us through three types of online attack on our privacy and data -- and only two are considered crimes. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and do...

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- -: TEDxFIAP - Benjamin Joffe - "Can the next Steve Jobs be brazilian?"

January 18, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

Benjamin Joffe é especialista de renome no cenário digital da Ásia. Durante os últimos dez anos, participou da revolução da tecnologia móvel no Japão, do boom da Internet na Coreia e da ascensão da China como uma superpotência digital. Benjamin é o CEO da consultoria de estratégia digital +8* (w...

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- -: TEDxFIAP - Flávio Pimentel - Empreendedorismo Corporativo

January 17, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

Flávio atua há mais de 10 anos em P&D& Inovação, sendo, inclusive, empreendedor na época da bolha da internet, quando vendeu sua empresa ao Grupo Opportunity. Posteriormente, foi desenvolver as estratégias de negócios em P&D&Inovação no Instituto C.E.S.A.R. do Recife. Há quase cinco anos é respon...

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- -: TEDxFIAP - Fábio Seixas - "Empreendendo por marcas mais humanas"

January 16, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

Fábio Seixas é analista de sistemas e empreendedor serial em negócios da internet. Já fundou quatro startups -- três quebraram. Possui 16 anos de experiência em projetos e empreendimentos na internet. Fundou sua primeira empresa em 1996, nos primórdios da internet no Brasil. Tecnologista por natu...

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- -: TEDxIlha Grande - Branca Heloisa Britto de Souza - Como Usufruir da Internet? - 27/08/2011

January 13, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

Branca é Especialista de Sistemas e responsável pelos projetos do Instituto Embratel desde 2008. Graduada em Processamento de Dados e pós-graduada em Informática na Educação, sua palestra terá por objetivo estimular a reflexão e sugerir uma postura consciente aos Brigadistas, minimizando os risco...

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- -: Jimmy Fallon's Writers - The Internet And Michael Blieden's Film Unit

January 5, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

The writers of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon talk about having a film unit in-house and what it's meant for the show's sketches. Morgan Murphy talks about the creative and artistic approach Michael Blieden takes with Jimmy Fallon. Michael talks about his background before coming to the show. (P...

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- -: TEDxRedmond - Tyler Menezes - What The Internet Can Teach Us About Everything, and Why

January 5, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

A web developer working in the Seattle area and a University of Washington Computer Science student, Tyler Menezes has designed websites for major sites while simultaneously maintaining successful side websites, researching, and (as he put it on his website) "building cool things." This year he c...

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- -: Venture Capitalist Roger McNamee: 'Google Is Done'

December 30, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Complete video at: Roger McNamee notices a precipitous decline in Google's search business as a result of the iPhone and other mobile devices, which use apps to access the internet instead of the world wide web. "...

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- -: How the Internet Can Educate Our Computer 'Overlords'

December 29, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Complete video at: Founder Brewster Kahle discusses the next step for the Internet Archive, which involves making its information accessible to a new type of consumer: computers. He explains that in addition to helping im...

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- -: Julia Angwin, Wall Street Journal Senior Technology Editor

December 26, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

On "The Communicators," Julia Angwin, Senior Technology Editor at the Wall Street Journal discusses privacy issues on the internet. Angwin talks about cookies and supercookies that track where internet users go on the web. Also, she looks at Congressional efforts to address this tracking. The Wa...

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