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TEDxUChicago 2011 - Candice Katz - Both sides of the story
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Candice Katz is the Marketing Manager at Oddcast, the New York based social media and technology company behind mega-viral campaigns such as's Monk-e-Mail and McDonald's Avatarize Yourself. An Honours student in Marketing Communication, Candice is an avid investigator of the impact that brands have on self-concept and identity.... Read more

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- -: TEDxUChicago 2011 - Candice Katz - Both sides of the story

May 12, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Candice Katz is the Marketing Manager at Oddcast, the New York based social media and technology company behind mega-viral campaigns such as's Monk-e-Mail and McDonald's Avatarize Yourself. An Honours student in Marketing Communication, Candice is an avid investigator of the imp...

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- -: How Global Warming Is Killing California's Wine Buzz

April 28, 2010 (about 14 years ago)

Complete video at: Viticulturist Kimberley Cahill introduces the negative correlation between two factors vital to those in the California wine business: maximum daytime temperatures in August, and the price of Pi...

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