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- -: TedxVienna - Leyla Haidarian - Beyond King of the Mountain

November 23, 2011 (over 12 years ago) Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian is a filmmaker and social activist. She began as a broadcast and print journalist in Los Angeles and Vienna for such companies as Warner Brother/ Tribune Media, the American Radio Network and Diva Magazine. Mo...

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- -: TEDxStAlbert - Kori Chilibeck - If you had the chance, would you change the world?

November 24, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Kori Chilibeck is a social entrepreneur with demonstrated success in conceptualizing and executing new sustainable business models to blend capitalistic ventures with humanitarian goals. Kori is the founder and CEO of Earth Water, Earth Coffee and Earth Tea, the only products in the world with th...

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- -: TEDxNovosibirsk - Marina Kharitonova - Ideas as Social Viruses

November 25, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Marina Kharitonova - the DG of "InMar Relations" PR Agency - on the way how good ideas are working in the society. TEDxNovosibirsk is the first TEDx event that took place in Novosibirsk on October 22, 2011.The theme of the conference was "Open city". The main goal of the conference was to contri...

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- -: TEDxNovosibirsk - Aleksandr Lyskovsky - "Place for Living - Working City or the Whole World?"

November 26, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Aleksandr Lyskovsky - CEO at "Alawar Entertainment" company - on the life style of citizens in megapolises: what can be improved. TEDxNovosibirsk is the first TEDx event that took place in Novosibirsk on October 22, 2011.The theme of the conference was "Open city". The main goal of the conference...

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- -: TEDxCordoba - José Luis Serrano - Cortoplacismo y digestión. Diálogo con las achuras

November 26, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

José Luis Serrano Reconocido actor y humorista nacido en al Valle de Traslasierra de la provincia de Córdoba (Villa Dolores). Hace más de 20 años creó un hermoso personaje llamado "Doña Jovita", que ha hecho disfrutar y reír a miles de personas en una enorme cantidad de funciones y festivales en...

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- -: TEDxCordoba - Andrés Aguilar - Risaterapia

November 26, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Andrés Aguilar Andrés Aguilar se enfrentó a la peculiar vocación de ser un "idiota profesional". Aunque licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación, su excéntrica esencia lo llevó a estudiar en Clown College de Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey y en escuelas de circo en Bélgica e Inglaterra, convir...

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- -: TEDxOrlando - Daniel Karslake - Every Three Seconds

November 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Filmmaker Daniel Karslake, talking about his amazing work on Every Three Seconds, a film about the joyful opportunity we have to alleviate poverty and hunger in our time. Daniel Karslake is a film director and producer who is currently working on "Every Three Seconds," a feature documentary abou...

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- -: TEDxHunterCCS - Monica Raymond - An Experiment in Living a Carbon Neutral Life

November 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

An Experiment in Living a Carbon Neutral Life. Monica Raymond, HS '65, is a prize-winning playwright and poet. Her play The Owl Girl, a parable about Israel/Palestine, won the Clauder Gold Medal, the Peacewriting Award, and the Castillo Theater prize for political theater. A TO Z which follows t...

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- -: TEDxCordoba - Francisco Occhiuzzi - La broncemia, una enfermedad de la medicina moderna

November 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Médico egresado de la UNC en 1965, Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía, Especialista en Cirugía General, en Flebología y Linfología. En el desarrollo diario de su profesión, y en su actividad docente con médicos jóvenes, se preocupó por inculcar el valor que tienen la humildad y el afecto en la relació...

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- -: TEDxCordoba - Alejandro Garro - Descubriendo una estrella desde un baldcón

November 27, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Formalmente es abogado (UNC 1986) y Master en Java Empresarial (UBP 2007). Es un entusiasta y autodidacta de la tecnología, lo cual lo levó a dedicarse desde hace más de 25 años al desarrollo de software para distintos usos, proyectos y disciplinas. En su larga trayectoria ha tenido destacadísim...

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