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The Journey So Far
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As Ellen gets ready for the season 9 premiere on September 12th, we thought we'd take a look back at the incredible journey that brought her here. Ellen has had an amazing story over the years, and she's shared it all with us.

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- -: The Journey So Far

September 2, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

As Ellen gets ready for the season 9 premiere on September 12th, we thought we'd take a look back at the incredible journey that brought her here. Ellen has had an amazing story over the years, and she's shared it all with us.

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- -: Ellen Golfs with Justin Timberlake

September 2, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Fore! Ellen and her friend Justin Timberlake hit the green for a round of golf. If Ellen can't take the lead with her awesome swing, she may have to resort to some other method to get ahead.

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