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- -: Miller Center National Debate on Education -- "The Final Question"

March 5, 2010 (about 14 years ago)

You can view the full debate here: "Resolved: To remain a world class economic power, the U.S. workforce needs more college graduates" The debates' moderator, PBS Newshour correspondent Paul Solman, asks whether education is really needed for succe...

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- -: George H.W. Bush-Debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot (October 11, 1992)

July 1, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

The three presidential candidates debate over the change needed for America in the upcoming 1992 election.

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- -: Jimmy Carter- Debate with President Gerald Ford (Foreign and Defense Issues) (October 6, 1976)

July 20, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

Presidential candidate, Jimmy Carter discusses the issues of foreign policy and the U.S. defense budget with President Gerald Ford.

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- -: George H.W. Bush- Debate with Michael Dukakis (September 25, 1988)

July 23, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

The two candidates discuss domestic policies that they would establish if elected to office including the issues of drugs. The two also discussed proper action to be taken in dealing with the economy, specifically taxes.

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- -: Jimmy Carter-Debate with Ronald Reagan (October 28, 1980)

July 26, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

The two presidential candidates debate over foreign policy issues including nuclear arms reduction and national security.

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- -: Jimmy Carter-Debate with President Gerald Ford (Domestic Issues) (September 23, 1976)

July 30, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

The two presidential candidates argue over the nations economy and decisions on tax cuts and federal spending.

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- -: Bill Clinton-Presidential Debate with Senator Bob Dole (October 6, 1996)

August 4, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

The two candidates discuss the differences in their platforms that they represent for the upcoming 1996 election and what they will do to improve the country if elected.

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- -: Ronald Reagan-Debate with Walter Mondale (Domestic Issues) (October 7, 1984)

August 11, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

President Ronald Reagan debates Democratic candidate Walter Mondale. The candidates discuss issues such as economic policy, religion, leadership qualities, and abortion. This was the first debate in the presidential election of 1984 and focused on domestic issues.

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- -: Jimmy Carter-Debate with President Gerald Ford (October 22, 1976)

August 16, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

The two presidential candidates conduct their final debate before the 1976 election.

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- -: Ronald Reagan-Debate with Walter Mondale (Defense and Foreign Policy) (October 21 1984)

August 18, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

In the 1984 presidential election, President Ronald Reagan and former Vice President Walter Mondale engage in their second debate, which focused on defense and foreign policy. They discuss such topics as Central America, relations with the Soviet Union, violence in Lebanon, the use of military fo...

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