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Cynthia Schneider: The surprising spread of "Idol" TV
- - Cynthia Schneider looks at two international "American Idol"-style shows -- one in Afghanistan, and one in the United Arab Emirates -- and shows the surprising effect that these reality-TV competitions are creating in their societies. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference... Read more

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- -: Cynthia Schneider: The surprising spread of "Idol" TV

November 13, 2009 (over 14 years ago) Cynthia Schneider looks at two international "American Idol"-style shows -- one in Afghanistan, and one in the United Arab Emirates -- and shows the surprising effect that these reality-TV competitions are creating in their societies. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the b...

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- -: Cynthia Breazeal: The rise of personal robots

February 8, 2011 (about 13 years ago) As a grad student, Cynthia Breazeal wondered why we were using robots on Mars, but not in our living rooms. The key, she realized: training robots to interact with people. Now she dreams up and builds robots that teach, learn -- and play. Watch for amazing demo footage of a new...

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- -: Cynthia Nixon: Gays Don't Want to Redefine Marriage

October 6, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

Complete Premium video at: "Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon weighs in on the gay marriage debate. "Gay people who want to marry have no desire to redefine marriage in any way," she says. "When women got the vote, they did not redefine votin...

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