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TEDxDelft - Lodewijk van den Berg - How a crystal growth scientist became an astronaut
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Lodewijk van den Berg (1932) was the first Dutch-born astronaut, a fact that is often overlooked in the Netherlands because he was a naturalized American and no longer a Dutch citizen at the time of flight. Van den Berg and his colleagues designed the EG&G Vapor Crystal Growth System experiment apparatus for a Space Shuttle flight. The experim... Read more

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- -: TEDxDelft - Lodewijk van den Berg - How a crystal growth scientist became an astronaut

December 2, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Lodewijk van den Berg (1932) was the first Dutch-born astronaut, a fact that is often overlooked in the Netherlands because he was a naturalized American and no longer a Dutch citizen at the time of flight. Van den Berg and his colleagues designed the EG&G Vapor Crystal Growth System experiment...

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- -: President Ronald Reagan - Address on the Challenger Disaster

March 17, 2008 (about 16 years ago)

View the full speech here: An address to the nation from the Oval Office on an evening scheduled for the State of the Union address. The space shuttle Challenger was supposed to be the first mission to put a civilian into space. He rem...

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- -: Ronald Reagan-State of the Union Address (February 04, 1986)

August 12, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

President Reagan honors the astronauts lost in the Challenger disaster and congratulates the Speaker of the House as he oversees his last State of the Union Address in that office. The President then moves on to discuss the federal budget and state of the American economy.

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Ronald Reagan: Address on the Space Shuttle "Challenger"

January 28, 1986 (over 38 years ago)

In Ronald Reagan's Address on the Space Shuttle "Challenger", he grieves with America on this tragic event. He declares a day of mourning and remembering. He recalls the lives of the Challenger crew as pioneers, explorers, and heroes. In spite of the accident, he reiterates a complete faith in th...

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