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TEDxDanubia 2011 - John Foppe - Within Reach
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John Foppe is a motivational speaker who was born without arms and has had to re-think every aspect of day-to-day life. He learned that the inability to do something did not rest on the lack of resources or vision. Instead, it has more to do with one's subconscious perception to meeting a challenge head on. He has developed a variety of solution... Read more

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - John Foppe - Within Reach

April 5, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

John Foppe is a motivational speaker who was born without arms and has had to re-think every aspect of day-to-day life. He learned that the inability to do something did not rest on the lack of resources or vision. Instead, it has more to do with one's subconscious perception to meeting a challen...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Bruno Giussani

April 8, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Bruno Giussani is TED's European Director and Curator for TEDGlobal

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Nelson Mandela: Toast by President Nelson Mandela in his honour at a luncheon in Budapest hosted by President Goncz of Hungary

May 3, 1999 (about 25 years ago)

In this toast, Nelson Mandela recognizes Hungary's solidarity with South Africa's struggle for liberation. He expresses his gratitude for this support to the government and people of Hungary. He also talks about the economic investments between the two countries and that these should boost the sk...

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