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Obama's Union Bosses Web Ad
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Democrats and public employee unions continue to obstruct Republican reforms to tackle the debt at all levels of government and move the country forward. Stop Obama and his union bosses today.

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- -: Obama's Union Bosses Web Ad

February 25, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Democrats and public employee unions continue to obstruct Republican reforms to tackle the debt at all levels of government and move the country forward. Stop Obama and his union bosses today.

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- -: Executive Bubble: The Sheltered World of Modern CEOs

October 21, 2009 (over 14 years ago)

Complete video at: Financial journalist Alan Webber describes the state of affairs in the world of modern day CEOs. Today's CEOs are "living in a bubble," says Webber. "The higher you go, the more insulated your b...

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