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Cheryl Hayashi: The magnificence of spider silk
- - Cheryl Hayashi studies spider silk, one of nature's most high-performance materials. Each species of spider can make up to 7 very different kinds of silk. How do they do it? Hayashi explains at the DNA level -- then shows us how this super-strong, super-flexible material can inspire. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the b... Read more

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- -: Cheryl Hayashi: The magnificence of spider silk

December 7, 2011 (over 12 years ago) Cheryl Hayashi studies spider silk, one of nature's most high-performance materials. Each species of spider can make up to 7 very different kinds of silk. How do they do it? Hayashi explains at the DNA level -- then shows us how this super-strong, super-flexible material can in...

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- -: Theo Jansen: The art of creating creatures

September 6, 2007 (over 16 years ago) Artist Theo Jansen demonstrates the amazingly lifelike kinetic sculptures he builds from plastic tubes and lemonade bottles. His creatures are designed to move -- and even survive -- on their own. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TE...

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- -: Steven Strogatz: How things in nature tend to sync up

December 23, 2008 (over 15 years ago) Mathematician Steven Strogatz shows how flocks of creatures (like birds, fireflies and fish) manage to synchronize and act as a unit -- when no one's giving orders. The powerful tendency extends into the realm of objects, too. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks...

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- -: A robot that flies like a bird

July 23, 2011 (almost 13 years ago) Plenty of robots can fly -- but none can fly like a real bird. That is, until Markus Fischer and his team at Festo built SmartBird, a large, lightweight robot, modeled on a seagull, that flies by flapping its wings. A soaring demo fresh from TEDGlobal 2011. TEDTalks is a daily...

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