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Stuff White People Like: Fixies, Yoga Pants and Raw Milk
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Complete video at: Blogger Christian Lander jokes about even more ridiculous stuff that white people like, including fixed-gear bicycles, yoga clothes and raw milk. "White people are gathering on street corners in Brooklyn to be given raw milk from illicit milk dealers," sa... Read more

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- -: Stuff White People Like: Fixies, Yoga Pants and Raw Milk

March 5, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Complete video at: Blogger Christian Lander jokes about even more ridiculous stuff that white people like, including fixed-gear bicycles, yoga clothes and raw milk. "White people are gathering on street corners in Brooklyn t...

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- -: Wounded Warrior Project's Soldier Ride

May 4, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

President Obama kicks off the Wounded Warriors Project's Soldier Ride on the South Lawn of the White House. The Soldier Ride brings opportunities for wounded soldiers to come together through cycling. May 4, 2011.

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