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West Wing Week: 06/02/11 or "One Step at a Time"
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This week, President Obama traveled to Joplin, Missouri to see the devastation first hand. He finished his week-long trip to Europe in Poland and on Memorial Day, he visited Arlington National Cemetery.

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- -: West Wing Week: 06/02/11 or "One Step at a Time"

June 3, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

This week, President Obama traveled to Joplin, Missouri to see the devastation first hand. He finished his week-long trip to Europe in Poland and on Memorial Day, he visited Arlington National Cemetery.

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- -: The Debt-End Bus Tour Rides Again

October 17, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

In response to Part II of President Obama's taxpayer-funded bus trip through North Carolina and Virginia, this web video highlights the true Barack Obama -- the Campaigner-in-Chief who prefers the campaign stump instead of working with Republicans in Congress to get America working again.

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