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TEDxMaastricht - Frans Hiddema - "The least used resource: patient"
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The fear of becom­ing blind is some­thing every­body can relate to. Just close your eyes and imag­ine the world will always remain dark like that. Frans Hiddema's main focus is to reduce the fear of the hos­pi­tals' patients. 'Scared patients run a higher risk of some­thing going wrong." The less afraid, the more sat­is­fied peo­ple are. This is... Read more

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- -: TEDxMaastricht - Frans Hiddema - "The least used resource: patient"

April 6, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

The fear of becom­ing blind is some­thing every­body can relate to. Just close your eyes and imag­ine the world will always remain dark like that. Frans Hiddema's main focus is to reduce the fear of the hos­pi­tals' patients. 'Scared patients run a higher risk of some­thing going wrong." The less...

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- -: TEDxMaastricht - Jan Gunnarsson - "Hostmanship: the art of making people feel welcome"

April 6, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Jan Gunnarsson is a hospitality industry veteran from Sweden who exhibits a refreshing take upon customer service and leadership. Jan believes customer experience is not in the first place about strategies and tactics but about the attitude we bring. Jan talks about how the heart of a business is...

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