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Rory Sutherland: Sweat the small stuff
- - It may seem that big problems require big solutions, but ad man Rory Sutherland says many flashy, expensive fixes are just obscuring better, simpler answers. To illustrate, he uses behavioral economics and hilarious examples. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where t... Read more

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- -: Rory Sutherland: Sweat the small stuff

June 9, 2010 (almost 14 years ago) It may seem that big problems require big solutions, but ad man Rory Sutherland says many flashy, expensive fixes are just obscuring better, simpler answers. To illustrate, he uses behavioral economics and hilarious examples. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks...

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- -: Authors@Google: Alice Waters

September 25, 2009 (over 14 years ago)

Perhaps more responsible than anyone for the revolution in the way we eat, cook, and think about food, Alice Waters has single-handedly chang[ed] the American palate according to the New York Times. Her simple but inventive dishes focus on a passion for flavor and a reverence for locally produced...

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- -: TEDxIowaCity - Stephen Carr - Conditioning the Soil to Feed the Globe

November 30, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

How can making a minor modification to the soil allow it to provide better for our growing global population? The secret is looking at pancakes and waffles and learning how to fly an airplane undergroung.

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