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Rev. Tom Honey: How could God have allowed the tsunami?
- - In the days following the tragic South Asian tsunami of 2004, the Rev. Tom Honey pondered the question, How could a loving God have done this? Here is his answer. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the ... Read more

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- -: Rev. Tom Honey: How could God have allowed the tsunami?

May 17, 2007 (almost 17 years ago) In the days following the tragic South Asian tsunami of 2004, the Rev. Tom Honey pondered the question, How could a loving God have done this? Here is his answer. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's l...

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- -: Charlie Rose - Barack Obama & Rev. Jeremiah Wright

April 30, 2008 (about 16 years ago)

A discussion about Barack Obama & Rev. Jeremiah Wright with James Clyburn, Kelefa Sanneh of the New Yorker and Rev. Floyd Flake, senior pastor of Greater Allen African Methodist Episcopal Cathedral in Jamaica, Queens, New York, and president of Wilberforce University. Visit to se...

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- -: Charlie Rose - Bill Moyers

May 9, 2008 (almost 16 years ago)

Bill Moyers discusses Rev. Jeremiah Wright

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