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West Wing Week: 1/28/11 or "To Build Stuff and Invent Stuff"
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Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President delivered his State of the Union address, focused on jobs and the economy, and he took those ideas on the road traveling to Upstate New York and Wisconsin.

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- -: West Wing Week: 1/28/11 or "To Build Stuff and Invent Stuff"

January 28, 2011 (over 13 years ago)

Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President delivered his State of the Union address, focused on jobs and the economy, and he took those ideas on the road traveling to Upstate New York and Wisconsin.

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- -: President Obama on the Jobs Council and the American Jobs Act

October 12, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

In Pittsburgh to discuss his plans for rebuilding American infrastructure and creating good jobs. October 11, 2011.

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