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TEDxTempleU - Ebun Olaloye - Football, shirts, + a powerful idea
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EBUN OLALOYE is an architecture major at Temple University. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Ebun migrated with his family to the US. Being the middle child in an intellectual family, he had to start working hard at a young age to get noticed. This began to pay off in high school, where he harnessed his creative and entrepreneurial spirit to begin a t... Read more

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- -: TEDxTempleU - Ebun Olaloye - Football, shirts, + a powerful idea

April 22, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

EBUN OLALOYE is an architecture major at Temple University. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Ebun migrated with his family to the US. Being the middle child in an intellectual family, he had to start working hard at a young age to get noticed. This began to pay off in high school, where he harnessed hi...

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- -: [TEDxOujda] Salah Koubaa - intention entrepreneuriale des étudiants universitaires au Maroc

May 26, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Salah Koubaa est enseignant chercheur en sciences de gestion à la faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales de l'université Hassan-II de Casablanca et membre de l'AIREPME. Actuellement, ses recherches portent essentiellement sur : - Les PME, les gazelles de l'économie nationale, i...

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