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TEDxPhilly - Inga Saffron - Creating livable cities and letting go of skyscraper fantasies
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Architecture critic Inga Saffron challenges cities to shift focus and look beyond skyscraper fantasies and dreams of increased tourism in her TEDxPhilly talk -- "Moving from The Grand Vision to The Grand Adjustment." Cities should instead work to improve and build amenities that make urban areas better places to live for existing dwellers. Publi... Read more

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- -: TEDxPhilly - Inga Saffron - Creating livable cities and letting go of skyscraper fantasies

January 30, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

Architecture critic Inga Saffron challenges cities to shift focus and look beyond skyscraper fantasies and dreams of increased tourism in her TEDxPhilly talk -- "Moving from The Grand Vision to The Grand Adjustment." Cities should instead work to improve and build amenities that make urban areas ...

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- -: TEDxPhilly - Amy Hillier - Mapping experiences and access to opportunity in cities

January 19, 2012 (over 12 years ago)

A pressing issue for Amy Hillier: Why does the place of our birth and child rearing influence the amount of opportunities available to us as adults? Is there something we can do about this? If we could trace our experiences using modern mapping technologies - like GIS, GPS, LiDAR and others - to ...

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- -: TEDxPhilly - Diana Lind - On dismantling urban highways in cities

December 21, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Diana Lind poses a challenge: let's re-imagine the future of urban transportation and tear-down highways that cut through our cities. Lind's talk discusses how forward-thinking cities have dismantled highway infrastructure ---- building vibrant public spaces in the face of car culture. In the cas...

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- -: TEDxEwha - Sunyoung Rieh - Women, City, Daily Life.wmv

October 11, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

TEDxEwha 2nd Event "Women, Minority, and Society: Beyond Bias and Barriers" #1. 여성의 시각으로 세상 바라보기 May 14, 2011 LeeSambong Hall, ECC, Ewha Womans Univ., Seoul, South Korea 이선영 님 ( Sunyoung Rieh ) Professor of Architecture, University of Seoul "여성, 도시, 일상" (Women, City, Daily Life) About TEDx...

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