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Authors@Google: Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers on Collaborative Consumption
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What is Collaborative Consumption? And who is doing it? Collaborative Consumption is the organized sharing, bartering, lending, trading, renting, gifting, and swapping through online and real-world communities. From social lending (Zopa) to car sharing (Zipcar) and co-working (HubCulture), from peer-to-peer rental (Zilok) to collaborative travel... Read more

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- -: Authors@Google: Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers on Collaborative Consumption

November 9, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

What is Collaborative Consumption? And who is doing it? Collaborative Consumption is the organized sharing, bartering, lending, trading, renting, gifting, and swapping through online and real-world communities. From social lending (Zopa) to car sharing (Zipcar) and co-working (HubCulture), from p...

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