Edward Moore Kennedy: Democratic National Convention Health Care

December 9, 1978 (over 45 years ago)

Senator Edward Kennedy urges the Democratic Party to take up the cause of making high-quality health care available to all.

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Barack Obama: President Obama Jobs Speech

September 8, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

With his approval ratings at all-time-lows and many American's questioning his stewardship of the economy, President Barack Obama called a joint-session of Congress to push for a new jobs bill. He outlined his suggested actions for jump-starting the economy and urged Congress to set aside party-...

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Source: The White House

Robert Marion Sr. La Follette: Free Speech in Wartime

October 6, 1917 (over 106 years ago)

U.S. Senator Robert La Follette decries the spirit of censorship that had swept through the nation since its entry into World War 1, and makes a lengthy and impassioned case for the upholding of the right to free speech, a right that he believed was incumbent upon the government to grant in a tim...

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