I Am Your Friend
Wind In His Hair

An Indian, Wind in His Hair, declares his friendship to Dances With Wolves, played by Kevin Costner in this 1990 epic Western film.

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Wind In His Hair: I Am Your Friend

March 24, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

An Indian, Wind in His Hair, declares his friendship to Dances With Wolves, played by Kevin Costner in this 1990 epic Western film.

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Source: MovieClips

Aaron Huey: America's Native Prisoners of War

September 1, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

In this passionate talk, photographer Aaron Huey tells us of his relationship with the Lakota people. He narrates the dark relationship of the Native American Indian with the US government. He awakens us with his powerful images and thought-provoking history lesson.

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Source: TED

Chief Joseph: From Where the Sun Now Stands

October 5, 1877 (over 146 years ago)

Chief Joseph surrenders to the United States Army after attempting to lead his people to freedom in Canada and suffering days of battle in freezing cold conditions.

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Wind In His Hair: I Am Not Afraid of You

March 24, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Dances With Wolves played by Kevin Costner has a run-in with the Indian, 'Wind In His Hair' in the 1990 epic eponymous Western.

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Source: MovieClips

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