Kary Mullis Celebrates the Experiment
Kary Mullis

Kary Mullis shares his personal experiences on how he started doing science and shows the audience the boldness and intuitiveness scientists should adapt when doing experiements.

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Kary Mullis: Kary Mullis Celebrates the Experiment

February 1, 2002 (about 22 years ago)

Kary Mullis shares his personal experiences on how he started doing science and shows the audience the boldness and intuitiveness scientists should adapt when doing experiements.

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Source: TED

Deb Roy: The Birth of a Word

March 1, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Deb Roy describes how an experiment on how his son learned new words led to the ability to take the entire pulse of a nation in common conversation.

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Source: TED

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