The Year I Was Homeless
Becky Blanton

Journalist Becky Blanton recounts how she chose to be homelss, fell into depressions and finally seeing hope, got back up again to write and live a more meaningful life.

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Becky Blanton: The Year I Was Homeless

July 1, 2009 (almost 15 years ago)

Journalist Becky Blanton recounts how she chose to be homelss, fell into depressions and finally seeing hope, got back up again to write and live a more meaningful life.

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Source: TED

Steven Pinker: On Language and Thought

July 1, 2005 (almost 19 years ago)

In this talk, Linguist Steven Pinker tells us about Language and Thought. He explains some technical aspects of language then deals with the more complex indirect speech. He further tells us that the way we use language reflects our thoughts and could be a window to understand ourselves better.

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Source: TED

Carl Honore: Praising Slowness

July 1, 2005 (almost 19 years ago)

In this talk, journalist and author Carl Honore tells us about the Slow Movement. He discusses the need to slow things down from our everyday race so that we would get a much higher quality of life.

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Source: TED

Chris Abani: On the Stories of Africa

June 1, 2007 (almost 17 years ago)

In this talk, Chris Abani takes from his personal experiences to talk about transformation. He expounds on language, on stories that unbound the imagination and help us identify who we are as human beings.

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Source: TED

Tony Robbins: Tony Robbins Asks Why We Do What We Do

February 1, 2006 (about 18 years ago)

Tony Robbins talks about how emotions and our will to give brings back a sense of fulfillment in our lives.

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Source: TED

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

September 1, 2009 (over 14 years ago)

Simon Sinek shows how great people or organizations inspire and lead by appealing to the human brain's ability to feel and beieve.

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Source: TED

Chris Jordan: Chris Jordan Pictures Some Shocking Stats

February 1, 2008 (about 16 years ago)

Chris Jordan illustrates shocking statistics for audiences via his artwork with the aim of helping people change.

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Source: TED

Chris Abani: Muses on Humanity

February 1, 2008 (about 16 years ago)

In this talk, Chris Abani share stories of everyday people. People whose actions grant us a glimpse of how it is to be transformed and regain our humanity.

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Source: TED

Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

June 1, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

Brene Brown brings her research on humanity to life for this TED audience, exploring such issues as empathy and our ability to love and belong.

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Source: TED

William Ury: The Walk From "No" to "Yes"

October 1, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

William Ury invites the audience to take the third side, follow Abraham's Path and lead a life of peace with all your neighbors.

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Source: TED

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