A Radical Experiment in Empathy
Sam Richards

Sam Richards takes the audience by the hand and walks into lives of two different people and allows them to feel what each is feeling, apart from prejudices and social biases in order to understand what empathy is all about.

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Sam Richards: A Radical Experiment in Empathy

October 1, 2010 (over 13 years ago)

Sam Richards takes the audience by the hand and walks into lives of two different people and allows them to feel what each is feeling, apart from prejudices and social biases in order to understand what empathy is all about.

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Source: TED

Martin Luther King Jr.: Unfulfilled Dreams

March 3, 1968 (about 56 years ago)

Martin Luther King speaks of the mishaps and disappontments in life and the healing redemption of God that fixes all unfulfilled dreams.

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Source: The King Center

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