(5 results)

- -: Sarah Palin and the Pro-Life Movement - Archbishop Chaput

October 2, 2008 (over 15 years ago)

Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/09/17/Uncommon_Knowledge_Rev_Charles_J_Chaput Archbishop of Denver Charles J. Chauput discusses John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential candidate, and her impact on the pro-life movement. ----- According to the New York Times "A st...

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Pope John Paul II: Address at Omayyad Mosque of Damascus

May 6, 2001 (almost 23 years ago)

Pope John Paul II speaks of the unity of the Muslim and Christian communities in worshipping the Almighty God in their own sacred places as well as in shaping the children to understand that religion must never be a path towards justifying violence.

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Pope John Paul II: Visit to the Yad Vashem Museum

March 23, 2000 (about 24 years ago)

During the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope John Paul II speaks in Jerusalem about remembering the holocaust not to commemorate the evil but to remember that darkness will never overcome light and that man has the power to overcome the enemy of the Lord.

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Jimmy Carter: Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention

August 14, 1980 (over 43 years ago)

Incumbent President Jimmy Carter accepts the democratic nomination for another term as president and describes the kind of future America might have if he is not re-elected.

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Bill Clinton: Address on Bosnia

November 27, 1995 (over 28 years ago)

US President Bill Clinton urges the nation to take heart and give courage to the Americans serving in Bosnia so that they may restore peace and help propagate peace to other nations, all while protecting the peace within America's own borders.

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(5 results)

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