(49 results)

- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Negative Variete

April 12, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Tribute to Bauhaus-artist László Moholy-Nagy. - - - Negative Varieté is a silhouette performance, which blurs the boundaries between fine art, dance, photography and film, was based on a forgotten screenplay by László Moholy-Nagy, The Dynamics of the Big City written in 1922, the same year Moholy...

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- -: TEDxCardiff - Kelly Page - Rediscovering Friendship

May 26, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

www.TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Dr Kelly Page is an Australian who lives in Wales and is passionate about people, learning and digital media. A lecturer in Digital Media at Cardiff University (UK), Kelly moved to Wales in 2002 as a researcher and has been working in partnership with organisations i...

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- -: TEDxCardiff - Tim Robertson - All great Art comes from prison

May 26, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

www.TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Tim Robertson is chief executive of the Koestler Trust, a charity that has encouraged artistic achievement by offenders, and showcased those achievements to the public, for nearly 50 years. Every year the Koestler Awards receive 6,000 entries in 56 artforms from pri...

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- -: TEDxCardiff Clive Bates Why time complicates climate change

May 27, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Clive Bates has been Director General for Sustainable Futures at the Welsh Assembly Government since March 2009, responsible for three departments covering environment, energy, housing, planning, rural affairs, animal health, culture, tourism and sport. Following a degr...

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- -: TEDxCardiff - Solarference - Live Performance

May 27, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

www.TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Solarference is Nick Janaway and Sarah Owen. They combine traditional folk songs with electronic sound, performing with voices and laptops. Nothing is pre-recorded: in live shows they use their own home-made audio software to transform the live sounds of voices, foun...

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- -: TEDxCardiff - Alastair Reynolds - Asking the Biggest Question

May 28, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

www.TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Alastair Reynolds was born in Barry in 1966. He spent his early years in Cornwall, then returned to Wales for his primary and secondary school education. He completed a degree in astronomy at Newcastle, then a PhD in the same subject at St Andrews in Scotland. He le...

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- -: TEDxCardiff - Mark Chataway - Risks, benefits and choices

May 29, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

www.TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Although born within the sound of Bow Bells, Mark Chataway started his professional life as a journalist and radio talk show host in the Deep South of the United States. After Alabama and Georgia, he went on to work as a radio and TV journalist in New York. He may be...

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- -: TEDxCardiff - Pete Lawrence - Social Glue

May 31, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

www.TEDxCardiff.co.uk - - - - Pete is best known as the co-founder of The Big Chill which has spawned a ground breaking festival, club event and London venues. Lawrence conceived an idea for a new type of Sunday multimedia club back in early 1994. It was the first London club to have its own webs...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Trailer

June 7, 2011 (almost 13 years ago)

Alimentando ideias, inspirando as relações humanas. Ao contrário do que acontece com o nosso corpo, alimentar o cérebro nunca é demais. E é com isso em mente que reuniremos profissionais e pensadores das mais diversas áreas do saber para falar sobre gastronomia e nutrição. Um dia de palestras, d...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Flávia Quaresma - O resgate do sabor perdido

August 3, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Flávia Quaresma foi a primeira palestrante a subir no palco do TEDxCampos. Ela abriu o evento compartilhando um pouco suas experiências em viagens aos vários interiores do Brasil, conhecendo novos sabores e (re)inventando pratos, sem perder a essência da cultura culinária brasileira. The chef F...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Vitor Sobral - Diversidade cultural no prato do brasileiro

August 3, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

O chef português Vitor Sobral contou um pouco sobre sua história de vida e fazendo um paralelo sobre a forma como a culinária brasileira se formou: as misturas, as culturas e os povos que influenciaram na maneira como o brasileiro se alimenta hoje. The portuguese chef Vitor Sobral told everyone ...

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- -: TEDxCampos - João Corbisier - Mais qualidade de vida e um sonho realizado

August 10, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Quem nunca quis em sair da cidade grande e morar na praia? Pois João concretizou esse sonho: mudou-se para Ubatuba e abriu seu próprio negócio: a Padaria Integrale, a primeira do Brasil a vender apenas produtos integrais. Hoje ela é próspera graças as simples, criativas e saudáveis receitas do ch...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Cláudia Mattos - Criatividade na cozinha e respeito à natureza

August 16, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Além de ser dona de um restaurante na cidade de São Paulo, Cláudia é uma grande militante do movimento Slow Food, que prega o respeito ao ambiente e aos produtores de alimentos e o prazer na hora de comer. Ela mostrou que, com um pouco de criatividade, é possível criar um cardápio completo utiliz...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Luciana Quintão - O desperdício que salva

August 24, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Em um formato pouco usual [e bem humorado], Luciana contou a todos a história de sua vida e como os acontecimentos a levaram a criar o Banco de Alimentos; uma ong que recolhe alimentos que seriam desperdiçados e os entrega a instituições que cuidam de crianças, idosos e deficientes. Uma história ...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Juliana Motter - Paixão transformada em trabalho

September 1, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Juliana conseguiu o que praticamente todo mundo busca; transformar uma grande paixão em trabalho. Ela foi contra os padrões do mercado, largou um belo cargo na empresa onde trabalhava para fazer algo que sempre gostou e sentiu prazer: brigadeiros. Os docinhos que lhe renderam um apelido que a aco...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Marcelo Fernandes - O conceito por trás de cada prato

September 6, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Marcelo é administrador e sócio de vários empreendimentos gastronômicos na cidade de São Paulo. Seu plano é simples: se unir a grandes chefs e criar um conceito para seus restaurantes. Nada é por acaso; tudo é pensado para envolver seus clientes em um ambiente agradável com pratos saborosos. --...

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- -: TEDxCampos - G. Garvin - A integridade dos alimentos

September 13, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

O chef e apresentador de televisão, G. Garvin, falou sobre a importância de se manter a essência em cada prato servido. Alertou para o problema de se misturar diversos ingredientes que, no final, acabam ficando sem personalidade e os sabores se perdem. Para ele, é fundamental que exista um protag...

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- -: TEDxCampos - José Barattino - A valorização do pequeno produtor

September 30, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

José Barattino é o chef do renomado restaurante do Hotel Emiliano e responsável por um grande projeto de valorização do pequeno produtor. Um trabalho de aproximação da cozinha com produtores que trabalham com produtos orgânicos e livres de agrotóxicos. O trabalho ganhou proporções inesperadas, e ...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Laura de Santis Prada - Uma vida sustentável

October 6, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

A palavra sustentabilidade é muito falada, mas pouco praticada. Todos sabem o que ela significa, mas aplicar esse conceito na prática é bastante complicado. Não para Laura, que conseguiu transformar uma fazenda em uma moradia sustentável. Entre outras atitudes, ela e sua família plantam 80% dos a...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Birkás Gábor - A design, az energia és a természet szintézise

October 19, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Birkás Gábor építész. Gábor arra törekszik, hogy megvalósítsa a Design, Energia és Természet szintézisét az építészet területén belül. Gábor építészetének alapvető célja, hogy létrehozzon egy új építészeti gondolkodásmódot, amely megszabadul a szükségtelenül bonyolult gépektől és szerkezetektől. ...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Honti Pál - Játékra ítélve

October 19, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Honti Pál kihívásszállító, 24/7 információfogyasztó, aki szerint a játék komoly időtöltés. A UpCity, az első hazai Alternate Reality Game, több mint 10.000 játékost mozgatott meg. 2007-ben European Seal of E-excellence díjjal jutalmazták. - - - Pál Honti is a challenge deliverer, a 24/7 informati...

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- -: Seattle Conference on Scalability 2008: Chapel

June 20, 2008 (almost 16 years ago)

Google Tech Talks June 14, 2008 ABSTRACT Chapel: Productive Parallel Programming at Scale Chapel is a new programming language being developed by Cray Inc. as part of the DARPA-led High Productivity Computing Systems Program (HPCS). Chapel strives to increase parallel programmability for super...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Marcelo Traldi - Entendendo o papel da gastronomia na sociedade

October 25, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

O pesquisador e professor do Senac trouxe uma nova perspectiva sobre a gastronomia; tirando-a da cozinha e analisando seu papel na sociedade. Marcelo colocou as transformações sofridas em nossos hábitos alimentares através da ótica sociológica, econômica, ambiental, política e filosófica. Um prat...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Paulo Tiefenthaler - Um outro tipo de chef

October 25, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Enquanto estudava na Europa para ser ator, Paulo teve sua primeira experiência em restaurantes trabalhando como garçom. E foi da sua inaptidão para cozinhar que nasceu o programa Larica Total; receitas simples e [nem sempre] fáceis de fazer. Uma palestra com muito humor e um recado importante: a ...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Carmen Correia - A vida dos chefs fora dos restaurantes

November 1, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Engana-se quem pensa que a vida de um chef acontece apenas dentro da cozinha de um restaurante. E é exatamente nesse ponto que entra o trabalho da Carmen Correia e da sua agência, Chef Network. Entre outras coisas, ela ajuda chefs a erguerem seus restaurantes e a publicarem seus livros. Ela mostr...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Rony Cácio - Paródias gastrocômicas

November 1, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Rony é ator, palhaço e antropófago. Veio do nordeste para São Paulo em busca de trabalho e encontrou na música, no teatro e na gastronomia uma maneira de sobreviver. Ele é fundador do projeto Comida dos Astros, que começou como uma apresentação de teatro mambembe para se tornar um renomado grupo ...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Simone Mattar - Arte, design e comida

November 1, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

A arquiteta e designer Simone Mattar contou um pouco como começou a praticar o food design. Aos poucos, foi entendendo como seu trabalho poderia unir suas 3 grandes paixões: arte, design e comida. Viajou o mundo em busca de referências e consolidou um estúdio onde desenvolve trabalhos que permeia...

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- -: TEDxCampos - Guy e Michael Rubino - Quando a mediocridade vira norma

November 1, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Os irmãos Rubino fizeram um alerta: a obsessão humana por fazer algo rápido e o mais barato possível está nos levando à mediocridade em vários âmbitos. Para eles, tempo e dinheiro são grandes inimigos de uma vida mais saudável; com menos produtos congelados nas gôndolas dos supermercados e menos ...

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- -: TEDxDanubia 2011 - Alpár Balázs - Megszokások és meglepetések

November 5, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Alpár Balázs több mint 15 éve foglalkozik zeneszerzéssel, hangtechnikával, alkalmazott zenével, valamint ismeretterjesztéssel. A budapesti Zeneakadémia zeneszerzés szakán szerzett diplomát, majd Bécsben folytatta tanulmányait média-zeneszerzés és jazz szakirányban, ahol jelenleg doktori munkáját ...

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Winston Churchill: The Invasion of France

June 6, 1944 (almost 80 years ago)

Prime Minister Winston Churchill announces in this House of Commons address the invasion of France as well as the tactics, plans and actions taken by Britain and its Allies in driving away Hitler's troops.

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George H.W. Bush: Debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot

October 11, 1992 (over 31 years ago)

In President George H. W. Bush's Oct 11, 1992 debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, he slugs it out in a 3-way contest. Moderating the debate was Jim Lehrer. The journalists who asked the questions for the debate were John Mashek, Ann Compton, and Sander Vanocur. In this debate the presidentia...

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George H.W. Bush: Press Conference with Mikhail Gorbachev

July 31, 1991 (over 32 years ago)

In George H. W. Bush's Press Conference with Mikhail Gorbachev, they talked about issues, partnerships, and international relations. The topics discussed included Yugoslavia, the Middle East Peace Talks, Soviet-U.S. relations, Lithuania, Soviet Economic Integration, Nuclear Weapons, and Europe. T...

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Rush Limbaugh: First Televised Address to the Nation

February 28, 2009 (about 15 years ago)

Famous conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh outlines his view of what it means to be a conservative, and rallies the crowd at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

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Source: Fox News

Jimmy Carter: Debate with President Gerald Ford (Foreign and Defense Issues)

October 6, 1976 (over 47 years ago)

Governor Jimmy Carter once again goes on a presidential debate with President Ford, this time to discuss foreign issues and the national defense.

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John Grisham: Find a Voice

May 9, 2010 (almost 14 years ago)

John Grisham compares life to writing a book where the writer's voice must be used to experience and tell the truth. It is always better to look for the voice in which to tell the story of one's life with.

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William McDonough: Cradle to Cradle Design

February 1, 2005 (about 19 years ago)

William McDonough shares his thoughts on what design should be: aesthetically and environmentally-friendly.

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Source: TED

Martin Luther King Jr.: Why I am Opposed to the War in Vietnam

April 30, 1967 (almost 57 years ago)

Martin Luther King expresses deep concern for the American people and the government with its use of aggression and violence in resolving conflicts. His love for the America, its people and the people that God entrusted us to love, made King speak of his disappointment in the US government upon w...

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James Howard Kunstler: Dissecting Suburbia

February 1, 2004 (about 20 years ago)

In this talk, Social critic James Howard Kunstler tells us about Suburbia. He shows us places in the US which are not worth caring about. He stresses that America needs to have it's sense of identity and culture depicted in it's public spaces to transform it into a country worth defending.

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Source: TED

Martin Rees: Is This our Final Century?

July 2, 2005 (almost 19 years ago)

Martin Rees talks about how science has encompassed the big, the unknown and even the finite time of our planet.

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Source: TED

Ray Kurzweil: On how Technology will Transform Us

February 1, 2005 (about 19 years ago)

In this talk, Futurist Ray Kurzweil tells us about the coming technological advancements. He then provides detailed descriptions of these sci-fi sounding investions and gadgets. He also explains the exponential type of growth that technology is experiencing and predicts timelines on when these wi...

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Source: TED

Richard Dawkins: Militant Atheism

February 1, 2002 (about 22 years ago)

Rochard Dawkins speaks about the unknown advantages and practicality of becoming militant aetheists.

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Source: TED

Michael Milken: Activism

February 1, 2001 (about 23 years ago)

Leveraging different aspects of our personal life and the community can create a big impact on stepping up towards healing the economy and the planet as discussed by Michael Milken.

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Source: TED

Penelope Boston: Life on Mars

February 1, 2006 (about 18 years ago)

The career that I started early on in my life was looking for exotic life forms in exotic places, and at that time I was working in the Antarctic and the Arctic, and high deserts and low deserts. Until about a dozen years ago, when I was really captured by caves, and I really re-focused most of m...

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Source: TED

Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child

February 1, 2006 (about 18 years ago)

In this talk, Tech Visionary Nicholas Negroponte tells us some details about the One laptop per child project. He talks about his reasons for starting this project. He describes how they're building it and how these laptops will be distributed. He also provides feedback on the initial positive ef...

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Source: TED

Garrett Lisi: Theory of Everything

February 1, 2008 (about 16 years ago)

Garrett Lisi used shaped and patterns to explain the fundamentals of particle physics, surprisingly beautiful, without the use of equations.

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Source: TED

Arthur Benjamin: Mathemagic

February 1, 2005 (about 19 years ago)

Arthur Benjamin shows his mind's calculating prowess by doing mathemagic in front of a live audience.

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Source: TED

Steven Levitt: Steven Levitt Enalyzes Crack Economics

February 1, 2004 (about 20 years ago)

Steven Levitt exlains the inner working of American gangs on drug selling with the help of his hands-on co-author.

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Source: TED

Ron Eglash: Ron Eglash on African Fractals

June 1, 2007 (almost 17 years ago)

Ron Eglash spends a year in Africa researching the history and present application of mathematical theories, especially fractals, in the community. He shares to the audience information and data he has gathered.

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Source: TED

Michael Shermer: Strange Beliefs

February 1, 2006 (about 18 years ago)

Michael Shermer talks about some unrealistic phenomena that can be quantified and explained by science and skeptic reasoning.

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Source: TED

(49 results)

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