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LH*RSP2P : A Scalable Distributed Data Structure for P2P... October 9, 2007

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Google Tech Talks
June 19, 2007


LH*RSP2P is a Scalable Distributed Data Structure (SDDS) designed for P2P applications. It manipulate data on SDDS peer nodes, i.e., where each node is both an SDDS client and, actually or potentially, an SDDS server. The latter stores application or parity data, or both. The scheme reuses the addressing and parity management principles of LH*RS. The main result is that LH*RSP2P key-based addressing requires at most one forwarding message. In this sense, this makes LH*RSP2, the fastest structured P2P addressing scheme known at present, likely the fastest ever possible for an SDDS. The LH*RSP2P parity management, reuses the LH*RS Reed Salomon erasure...


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