Eleanor Roosevelt: Speech to the India League

April 6, 1952 (about 72 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt shares her impressions of India, marvelling and musing at the inspiring developments she had witnessed during her trip there.

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Eleanor Roosevelt: What Libraries Mean To The Nation

April 1, 1936 (about 88 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt talks to the District of Columbia Library Association about the library needs of urban and rural areas, needs which could be said to be poles apart.

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Eleanor Roosevelt: Speech Delivered in Jakarta, Indonesia

March 26, 1952 (about 72 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt talks about her work in the United Nations - her fears, struggles and triumphs, and in closing, touches on the work waiting to be done.

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Eleanor Roosevelt: Keynote Address to the New York Democratic State Convention

September 3, 1946 (over 77 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt talks about the relevance of the Democratic Party's progressive ideals to the unique demands of a post-war period, and challenges New York democrats to work to win over independent votes, which she believed was growing to become the deciding factor in elections.

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Eleanor Roosevelt: Speech to the Democratic National Convention Urging Support for the United Nations

July 22, 1952 (almost 72 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt carries on her husband's last will: the obtaining of support for the United Nations. In this speech, she responds to critics by charging them with shortsightedness and selfishness, and insists on the organization's capacity to foster understanding and peace.

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Eleanor Roosevelt: Speech Delivered in Canberra, Australia

September 4, 1943 (over 80 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt delivered this speech in the Parliament House of Australia at a state banquet that was held in her honor, during which she was presented with a specially created copy of Captain James Cook's journal. She speaks words of gratitude and encouragement to the Australian people, comm...

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Eleanor Roosevelt: Speech at the Phi Beta Kappa Association Founders' Day Dinner

February 25, 1949 (about 75 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt talks about the work of the United Nations towards its oft-stated goal, the securing of world peace. She emphasizes how crucial it is for the UN to be an organization that possesses force, and shares anecdotes from her meetings as chairperson of the Human Rights Commission to i...

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Eleanor Roosevelt: Speech Delivered in Sydney, Australia

September 7, 1943 (over 80 years ago)

Eleanor Roosevelt talks about a post-war plan for all the world, elaborating on the four freedoms that her husband, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, had spoken of in his State of the Union Address earlier that year.

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Michelle Obama: Plea for Education

April 1, 2009 (about 15 years ago)

Michelle Obama speaks in the U.K. at a London Girl's School, discussing the values she was raised with, the importance of education and how using these tools, this group of young people can make the world a better place.

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Source: TED

Michelle Obama: Democratic National Convention Keynote Address 2008

August 25, 2008 (over 15 years ago)

Michelle Obama delivers the keynote address in Iowa's DNC to campaign for her husband Barak Obama as the next President of the United States of America.

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