Cornel West: Cornel West's 1993 Wesleyan University Commencement Address

May 30, 1993 (almost 31 years ago)

Cornel West gives the keynote speech at Wesleyan University's 1993 commencement.

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Source: Humanity

Martha Nussbaum: Compassion and Global Responsibility

May 16, 2003 (almost 21 years ago)

Martha C. Nussbaum urges the graduating class to recall and put to heart the cry of Hecuba during the fall of the Trojan Empire. That way, they may realize their role as ambassadors of peace, justice and equality as they move out into the world..

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Damon Horowitz: Calling for a "Moral Operating System"

May 1, 2011 (about 13 years ago)

Damon Horowitz deems is imprtant to come up with a moral operating system after the thousands of years of debate about ethics and the truth.

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Source: TED

Duane Elvarum: TEDxSFU Duane Elvarum

December 21, 2011 (over 12 years ago)

Professor Duane Elvarum of Emily Carr University speaks about a new initiative to help students, universities and government institutions in Vancouver work together to make it one of the greenest cities in the world.

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Source: TEDx

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